District 6380


Team Hoyt Canada will also be involved in Several Community Events

To register for an event(s) please use the Team Hoyt Canada APPLICATON link and fill in the appropriate application form.  A special THANK YOU to our following sponsors:

  2024 EventS' Schedule

Upcoming Races

Copyright © Team Hoyt Canada. All rights reserved.

Sarnia Law Enforcement Torch Run - Special Olympics,  June 7,  2024 - FILLED


Bluewater International Granfondo  - Sunday, August 2, 2024 - Mike Weir Park, Brights Grove, ON - Many Cycle Spots Available - www.bigf.ca

Karis Disability Services - September 21, 2024 - All Chairs Filled, Sarnia, Ontario 

Light Up The Night For Noelle Run/Walk  - Saturday, October 5, 2024, Sarnia, ON, Canatara Park - 7 Athletic Rider Spots Availablehttps://noellesgift.ca/event/2019-light-up-the-night-for-noelle-run-walk/ 

Pinery Provincial Park Fall Classic  - Sunday, October 20, 2024 - Grandbend, ON,  7 Athletic Rider Spots Available - Many Walker/Run spots available.  http://pineryfallclassic.ca/

Team Hoyt Canada